[자기계발]/[English essay]

CAM 13 / TEST2 / TAKS1

슈총총 2020. 11. 10. 12:39

The given bar chart illustrates information regarding the proposition of families divided into two groups which owned *accomodation and rented accomdation in England and Wales from 1918 to 2011 over a 90-year period with each interval of around 10 except *the first two bar charts. The figures are measured in percentage. Overall, one particularly interesting fact highlighted by the figures was that although the rate of families in owned houses had a huge gap with the families in rented houses, It had narrowed and reached the same figure in 1971. After that, the gap had widen again.



*the 써야함 first 앞 에

*widened (widen - widened - widened)


It is noticeable that the houses in rented accomdation was *siginificatnly higer than the houses in owned accomdation by around 60, however, It had decreased to 50 which was the same figure with the houses in owned in 1971. In the *follwing three bar charts, It *plummeted to just above 30 in 2001, which *peaked the lowest. However, It had a slight rise in 2011 by around 5. In contrast, the houses in owned accomodation dramatically climbed from 1918 to 1971 by about 30 despitea a fact that a term from 1939 to 1953 had a respite  invariation. After that, It continueously had a considerable growth by approximately 20 from 1971 to 2001 even though It declined to around 5 at the end of *the year.


*plummet, plunge

*significantly higher - 컴터로 쓰니까 오류가 많이 나옴


*invariation 이라는 단어는 없다. without variation  혹은 respite, stop, halt 등 staionary, firm 경직된

*continue 는 v . continuous a. / continuously 가 ad

*peak는 최고조에 달하다로 the lowest 에는 쓸 수 없다. reach 나 hit을 쓰자.

*가정 households, homes, families


The given bar chart illustrates information regarding the proposition of families divided into two groups which owned accommodation and rented accommodation in England and Wales from 1918 to 2011 over a 90-year period with each interval of around 10 except the first two bar charts. The figures are measured in percentage. Overall, one particularly interesting fact highlighted by the figures was that although the rate of families in owned houses had a huge gap with the families in rented houses, It had narrowed and reached the same figure in 1971. After that, the gap had widened again.

It is noticeable that the households in rented accommodation was significantly higher than the households in owned accommodation by around 60, however, It had enormously decreased to 50 which was the same figure with the families in owned houses in 1971. In the following three bar charts, It plummeted to just above 30 in 2001, which hit the lowest. However, It had a slight rise in 2011 by around 5. In contrast, the homes in owned accommodation dramatically climbed from 1918 to 1971 by about 30 despite a fact that a term from 1939 to 1953 had a respite. After that, It continuously had a considerable growth by approximately 20 from 1971 to 2001 even though It declined to around 5 at the end of the year.
